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Next Level Pro Bull Riding

AB Bike & Beach Rentals

Seven Peaks Festival

Farnsworth Racing

Tuff Hedeman Tour

Dri Duck Apparel

J Dock Fishing Company Alaska

Ragged Edge Solutions

Illinois State Police

World Drag Racing Alliance

Funny Car Chaos

Offshore Powerboat Association

BRANDINGWe Understand The Language of Business & Craft Results Driven Brand Experiences, How? Brand creation Brand development Brand refresh Guidelines and standards Website design and development Tagline development Copywriting Identity system design Logo design Collateral design Social media strategy Industry research
WEBSITE DESIGNIt's simple, we are masterful at delivering web design services that are cutting-edge, user-friendly, cost-effective, scalable and responsive at the speed of NOW! Our base line site builds for clients big, small, short and tall start at $5000 with the following expertise that includes; UX / User experience design UI / User interface design Mobile optimization across devices Cross-platform & multi-channel UX Wireframing Website design and development Website management Optimization for local search Site meta-tag, titles and meta descriptions Improved business rankings on Google, Yahoo and Bing Mobile web design Mobile e-commerce sites Social networking and sharing links Mobile web applications Video and streaming media production Analytics & Reporting
SOCIAL MEDIAAnyone can buy an impression (literally), but not everyone can make one. We treat social media as a fine mix of focused effort with an intentional balance of audience messaging and keeping it fresh. Without a strategy you are lost in the sea of social.
MARKETINGOur marketing expertise runs wide and deep like the Nile (without the hippos). From traditional media such as print catalogs and advertising, to the full sope of digital media, including website design, search engine optimization and tablet and web/app based applications. We have the skills and creative powers to masterfully deliver in every digital avenue.
SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATIONOur Search Engine Marketing Services Include: Search engine optimization SEO/SEM research and copywriting Technical analysis Meta data optimization Link building strategies HTML email campaigns Corporate blogging Social media strategies E-commerce sites Mobile web applications Streaming media
VIDEO AND PHOTOGRAPHYWhether you’re seeking to create a brief commercial spot or full-length informational video, we are masterful in the art of videography and professional photography. Our productions are masterful. Our Video, Live and Creative Services include: Storyboarding Scriptwriting TV, Web and Radio spot production Corporate video production Multimedia production Video editing Animation Sound production & Voice Overs Professional Photography Digital Photo editing
ILLUSTRATION & CATALOGThis is our skill of skills, its the first and the last the alpha and omega. From digital icons, brochures, posters that pop to catalogs with pagination that flow effortlessly, our team skill is master level from PEN to PIXEL.
IDENTITYYour company’s visual identity is a distinct reflection of your organization, meant to set you apart from the competition and leave an impression on viewers. Brand development Brand guideline standards Identity systems Logo design and development Color palette development Tagline development Copywriting Collateral design Graphic design
PUBLIC RELATIONSWe work with clients to develop clear messages and obtain coverage in a broad range of consumer, trade press and other print, as well as broadcast and online media vehicles.
AUDIENCE DEFINITIONYou want as many customers as you can profitably serve. But who or where are they, how can I engage with them, and when is the best time to connect and capture the sale? Experts in Brand, Kingdom Media comes fully stocked with winning ingredients: storytelling vice-roys, world conquering brand strategists, kung-fu master level digital designers and marketing super-sherpas that are fluent in multiple digital platforms.
BRAND EXPERIENCEWe examine every lever, from product performance to cultural context, to design a brand experience that exceeds category expectations.
DATA & ANALYTICSWe analyze, optimize and obsess over our clients’ digital efforts through performance analytics. If there is a metric we have the tool to capture and report so that your brand is front-of-mind in a fast paced world.
MEDIA PLANNING, BUYING, & OPTIMIZATIONWhen media broke away from creative, we held on to the steering wheel. The platform is the messenger, and often the message fails to match. Planning, Buying and Optmization of all efforts is core to our creative thinking. Placement of your dollar must be well thought out, tested, and powerful enough to touch your audience. Our clients spend at minimum, $1,500/mo on a single platform in addition to maintaining a robust organic content strategy.
TECHNOLOGYOur in-house team of innovators and technologists can do everything from concepting to prototyping in order to bring ideas to life and add value.
As a full-service integrated agency, Kingdom Media delivers an all in-house team of innovators and digital sherpas to every client project. From strategy, creative-development, through to production, digital design, and analytics reporting. We elevate brands with our full-service videography & photography capabilities all focused on hand crafting your vision. Our media & digital staff are masterful in planning, digital ads, analytics, reporting, and optimization.
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